The Stairs To Success

The Stairs To Success

In this information age, when it seems that everyone you come across is living the dream (your dream!) it’s easy to get discouraged. You may feel like you’re constantly seeking out the next hot thing that’s going to take off and skyrocket your success. If you’re not careful, you’ll be buying every next-new-thing out there on the market, trying to jump on a trend and come out on top.

Unfortunately, that’s not the way success works. There truly is no elevator to greatness; you have to take the stairs. 

If you look closely at the lives of most undeniably successful people, you’ll see lots of steps. The people you most admire no doubt faced setback after setback on the stairway to success. Perhaps they even stopped to sit down, have a snack, and rest a while. 

The important thing for your heroes was that the end was always in sight (even if it was far, far away). In order for you to reach your goals, you must do the same.

So, rather than seeking out the “best-kept secret” for success in your personal endeavor, focus on what’s tangible. Put in the work, make connections, and hold yourself accountable for what you do—and for what you fail to do.  Push yourself each day to be better than yesterday, but don’t focus on how quickly you can get there.

This success thing is a journey that you deserve to enjoy.