Trust The Process, Trust Yourself

Trust The Process, Trust Yourself

Great things don’t happen in a day. Or a week. Or even 12 weeks. Great things take time. Fitness success does not lie at the end of an expensive program or the bottom of a bottle. It’s a process that you have to trust.

Social media and fitness companies want you to believe that dramatic fitness transformations happen in the span of a certain program and that once you’re done with that program, you’re done! In your heart, you know that can’t be true. If it was easy, everyone would do it, isn’t that what they say?

Rather than getting caught up in dramatic transformations and filling your online cart with every enhancement, supplement, and piece of equipment known to man—just focus on the basics:

Eat clean

Workout 3 or more times a week

Track your progress

Focus on how your body looks and feels, not the scale

Go through the motions

Even when things get tough, go through the motions. Even when you aren’t seeing changes in leaps and bounds, go through the motions. Changing your body is about more than just working out and eating healthy, after all. It’s a lifestyle change, and those don’t happen overnight.

Trust the process, and you will see results. Just stick to your plan, stay on schedule, and you will see results.