Show Your Good Character

Character is How You Treat Those Who Can Do Nothing For You

In today’s world, simple kindness is often lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life. We often try to avoid human interactions at all costs, putting convenience over connection. We choose drive-thru over sit-down, and self-checkout over checking out with a clerk. Sometimes, when no one’s looking, we might even treat people differently than we would those we truly care about.


Today I challenge you to show your character in every interaction you have with others. Even when you’ve had the day from hell and just want to get home but traffic is crazy and you have to stop to pick up milk to make dinner, show great character with those you meet. It’s sure to make someone else feel recognized in a world where so many are so focused on hiding in plain sight.


Challenge yourself to go out of your way to show a stranger kindness today. Remember that kindness doesn’t have to mean giving money or extravagant gestures. Show someone that they matter by engaging in conversation, or offering a compliment to a person who deserves it. Hold the elevator for someone carrying a lot of items, or simply smile at someone you see on the street.


Remember that character is the way you treat those who can do nothing for you, and show great character today!