Do What You Love, Love What You Do

Do What You Love, Love What You Do

Life really opens up when there’s love at the heart of every action you take. In your business, in your passions, in your family and beyond … when you do what you love, you’ll love what you do.

Of course, you may not always love what you do. Some aspects of life just simply aren’t that lovable (hello, taxes). Those kinds of tasks are just inevitable: getting oil changes, doing taxes, doing laundry. There’s no real way around those things.

But it does matter when it comes to the life you live: the lifestyle you have, the people who keep you company, and the work that you do. Injecting love into everything you stand for empowers you to love what you do, every day.

Want to know the best way to inject love into your work and tasks? It truly starts with doing what you love. You may not love your job, but how can you pursue your true love in your business life? Could you partner cross-functionally to work on a passion project? Can you start a coaching business on the side, or open an online store as a side hustle?

Find what you love, and find a way to do it. Maybe that means getting back on track with marathon training after a busy season at work, It could mean finally organizing your insights into a manuscript you can sell on Amazon—whatever your big love, make it happen! 

When things get tough, remember the love to keep you going strong. Keeping your passion top of mind as your big “why” can help power you through when motivation lacks.