You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Start

Today, I want you to throw out the notion that you have to be “at a certain level” to take your health and fitness seriously.

You may feel like you need to read every health book on the New York Times bestseller list in order to have the knowledge. You may feel that you need to be an expert on every gym machine in order to work out there. You may even feel that you need a Nutrition 101 course in order to know exactly what to eat: what time of day, what supplements, what macros.

Today I encourage you to throw those feelings out the window. Because we all start somewhere.

You may not always have the time. You must simply make the time.

You may not know everything, but you know enough to start.

You may not have the support of friends and family. You must learn to be your own support system.

You may not have the best confidence in the gym, but confidence comes from the doing.

You may have a lot going against you: work and family responsibilities, long commutes, little sleep, small budget. Realize that you have enough going for you to make it happen.

You’ll always have excuses, and you’ll always have to choose not to use them.

You don’t have to know it all, be it all, or do it all at once. All you have to do is start where you are, today. I believe you can.