Gateway to Fitness with Ishan

Today with us on the Incite Change Podcast, Coach Mauro sits down with Ishan Hewavitharana.

Ishan is the head of Research and Development at Magnum Nutraceuticals which is a Canadian trailblazing company specializing in premium sports nutrition and wellness products.

With his background in human physiology and Neuropsychology, it is no surprise his initial goal was to attend medical school. However, somehow he made his way into the fitness industry by investigating supplements and their effects on the body.

His mission is to ensure the supplements entering the market are safe and healthy for the consumer. 

Episode Timestamps

        [00:57] Ishan’s professional career

●        [07:35] The Importance of Regulating Supplements

        [15:55] Branding/Trademark Ingredients

●        [25:11] Changes to the Canadian Supplement Industry

        [30:06] Shortlisted Vitamins/Supplements

        [52:00] Subjective Cognitive Decline

●        [1:04:14] Be Curious

Resources Mentioned

        Magnum Nutraceuticals


[Ishan] “Not all supplements are good supplements.”

[Ishan] “Be curious about what you are buying”

Thanks so much for tuning in. Join us again next week for another episode!

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