We specialize in…
Education and Inspiring
At the heart of any change is awareness and education. In this ever-evolving day and age, having someone there to educate and inspire you is an invaluable asset.
With purpose, through passion. Education is a way to positively impact the lives of those around us. We are creators who inspire a positive change in the world.
Through these meaningful changes, we at Incite Coaching strive to build a supportive and motivated community. Surround yourself with like-minded people who will lift you up and push you through the challenges of the journey to better health and wellness.

as well as…
Coaching and motivation
At Incite Coaching, we embrace a whole-person collaborative approach to fitness and wellness without losing sight of the science surrounding health and behaviour change. We look to make fitness and wellness meaningful to you, your specific needs, and lifestyle.
We exist because, with the demands of the modern world, coaching is a necessity.
Focusing on behaviour accountability, we assist you in staying on track to achieve your dreams.
Results and outcomes are a secondary focus, a means of assessing our plan and approach. Our services allow us to focus on your multifaceted needs, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and social changes.
We Deliver These World Class Services Through
In-Person Experiences, Online Programming, or Hybrid Formats.
With your collaboration, we facilitate achieving your desired outcome by providing you the ultimate experience in coaching & education.
Specialty Services
Fuel your body, fuel your life
Nutrition Coaching
A healthy diet doesn’t have to be rocket science. Incite’s Nutrition Coaching will teach you how to eat the way you know you should. You and your Coach will develop strategic goals, personalized for you, through virtual and phone sessions. You’ll also have access to resources, strategies, tools, and expert coaching support. By the end of this program, you’ll have a custom, effective nutrition behaviour plan you can easily implement in your day-to-day life.

Sleep – the backbone of your health
Sleep Coaching
Improve the quality and quantity of your sleep with our CBT-influenced Sleep Coaching approach. You’ll receive expert advice and coaching through virtual or phone formats. Each session, you’ll work through modules and complete “homework” between sessions to reinforce concepts and understanding. By the end of this program, you will have a fully customized Sleep Plan to improve your sleep performance.
We will help you in
Online Group Coaching
If you love the sense of community of a large fitness and wellness group but hate the close quarters of a gym, take the group experience to your own space. The online group is a community-based coaching package that allows you to be active in your environment of choice, while still staying surrounded by dedicated, like-minded individuals who are working hard together.