Strength & Performance with Cody

Today with us on the Incite Change Podcast, Coach Mauro sits down with Cody Craig.

Cody is a doctor of physical therapy, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, a certified personal trainer through the NSCA, and a certified nutritionist through Precision Nutrition.

Dr. Cody’s fitness journey began in his early years when he started swimming competitively and nationally. He experienced an injury in his teenage years which exposed him to the world of physical therapy.

Through his experience, he decided to venture into Physical Training school where he progressed from working with other athletes for physical therapy to coaching others virtually in all aspects, whether physical therapy-based or power training.

Listen as Dr. Cody takes us through his fitness and professional journey from both ends of the spectrum.

Episode Timestamps

        [01:06] Dr. Cody’s Day to Day

●        [03:08] Transitioning to an Online

        [06:21] Origin Story

●        [12:35] Clientele

        [20:34] Understanding what works for You?

●        [24:05] The Best Clients

        [31:57] Developing the Plan

●        [35:16] Adjusting the Plan

        [40:13] Can we Define Pain?

●        [46:30] The Placebo Effect

        [51:46] Pain

●        [57:38] Solutions

        [1:01:04] Know You’re the Key

Resources Mentioned

        Instagram: @cody.prescription_strength

        Book: Gift of Injury by Stuart McGill; Brian Carroll


[Cody] “You have all the answers inside of you.”

Thanks so much for tuning in. Join us again next week for another episode!

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